Books & Supplies:
Please review your class schedule on June 20 after 1:00 p.m. to determine which textbooks you will need. Later this spring, the 2025-2026 Textbook list will be available. You may purchase your textbooks from various online vendors such as Amazon and Abebooks or through the links provided in the Notes section on the textbook list or at our annual book swap. Please do not purchase any textbooks until you receive your schedule. The Math and English curriculum has been updated. Please confirm your class schedule before buying textbooks.
There is no school supply list. Specific information regarding required materials and school supplies will be provided in the course syllabi on the first day of classes. In the event of any delays in ordering, teachers will supply the necessary materials for the first week or two of classes. If you have any questions about textbooks, please contact Gui Roche, Executive Assistant to the Principal.
Lancer students reside in many zip codes in and around Tucson. Students walk, bike, drive, carpool and take public transportation to school. Salpointe encourages carpooling, and we try to assist interested families by sharing (with permission) the contact information of families who live nearby. CLICK HERE for the carpooling form.
View Dress Code Requirement Updates
Salpointe Catholic High School maintains the right to establish a dress code for students. The dress code is important to promote a conducive learning environment, cultivating a serious approach to academics, relieving social pressure to keep up with current trends or styles and limiting comparisons or competition among students. The dress code also supports the dignity of the individual based on character rather than on appearance. Students are expected to dress appropriately while on campus and during all school-sponsored activities. The Deans are the interpreters of proper attire. Class time missed because of improper dress or appearance is considered “unexcused.” The parameters for appropriate dress and grooming are set forth below.
If you have any questions, please contact Mary Wood in our Spirit store at or Pat Ryden, Dean of Students, at
Salpointe Spirit Store
The Spirit Store carries Salpointe polos, Salpointe outerwear and locks for your lockers. In addition, you may purchase Chromebook protective covers and chargers, accessories, planners, and backpacks.
Store hours are on the Spirit Store website.
Salpointe Polos:
Salpointe polos are available in the Spirit Store. All students are required to wear collared polo style short or long-sleeved shirts with a Salpointe logo. These shirts may be purchased through the Salpointe Spirit Store. Please refer to the complete dress code here.
Exercise Science (PE) Uniforms:
Students participating in any Exercise Science (PE) courses are required to wear the approved Salpointe Exercise Science (PE) uniform. Exercise Science (PE) uniforms are only available in the Spirit Store.
Online Ordering:
You may prepay for items on the Spirit Store website. We do not deliver or ship. All items purchased online must be picked in the Spirit Store during the store hours.
Visit the Spirit Store web page for more information.
The Salpointe Food Service Department is excited to provide a convenient, easy and secure online pre-payment service to deposit money into your student’s school meal account. This service also provides you with the ability to view your student’s account balance and food purchase history. By having money in your student’s account prior to entering the cafeteria, the lunch lines move along faster and your student will have more time to eat and be with friends.
- New Students for the 2025-2026 school year, your MySchoolBucks account will be available towards the end of July 2025. You will not be able to create an account until then.
- To access these services visit Create your account and add money to your student’s meal account. All you need is your student’s name, birth date, and student ID number (found on all tuition statements and class schedules).
For more information about our Food Service program, please contact Mr. Jason Hibner, Director of Dining Services, at
We are looking forward to having you and your student join the Lancer family. Please enjoy our video series, A Day in the Life of a Lancer, by clicking on the video below. You can also check out the exciting, interesting and inspirational activities going on at Salpointe by following us on social media: @salpointe_catholichighschool on Instagram, and Salpointe Catholic High School on Facebook.
Student schedules are available on June 20, 2025, after 1:00 pm.
To Access Class Schedule:
Log in to myPointe
Click on the student’s name
Click on the Schedule tab to view the class schedule
To Access Locker Assignment:
Log in to myPointe
Click on the student’s name
Click on the Contact Card tab to view the student’s locker information and student ID number
If you experience difficulty with your myPointe account, please call or email:
Jeff Mounts
(520) 547-5906
All students have summer assignments. To foster a lifelong reading habit and combat the decline in academic skills over the summer months, the various Academic Departments at Salpointe Catholic High School have implemented a mandatory Summer Reading program. All 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th-grade students must complete their summer assignments.
The summer assignments for the 2025-2026 school year will be updated later this spring.