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Sports Hall of Fame

The Salpointe Sports Hall of Fame was founded in 1993 to recognize and honor great student athletes and champion individuals who have motivated others to set lofty goals, foster pride, preserve sportsmanship, and encourage scholarship and good citizenship. Salpointe has much to celebrate with 84 state championships, countless college and professional athletes, and a legacy of greatness.

Sports hall of fame members

Members of the Sports Hall of Fame

View more information for Sports Hall of Fame Inductees

Melinda E. Almazán ’95
John Ash ’96
Joe Badilla Jr. ’92
James Bagnall ’78
Larry Baroldy
Gerard “Bucky” Bell ’79
Eleanor Bermingham
Vincent Bianchi ’87
Krista Bogdan ’96
Carl Brunenkant
Karlie Burris ’05
Augie Busch ’94
Fr. Thomas Butler, O. Carm
Les Caid ’72
Carey Candrian ’00
Mark Carreon ’81
Jerry Carrillo ’82
Wesley Cates ’57
Nicholas Cole ’06
Kevin Concannon ’00
Coach John Condes
Joaquin Contreras ’97
Mario Coronado ’82
Lisa Cotter ’90
Mike Crawford ’96
Kelsey Crebbs Gootnick ’00
Lindsay Robinson Cunningham ’96
G. Marie Daranyi ’85
William Darling ’70
Jack Darlington ’05
Emma Darlington Munsch ’07
Andrew David McFarren ’01
Tisha David Wright ’95
James Davitch ’64
Jerry Davitch
Terry DeJonghe ’60
Mike DiMuro ’86
Ed Doherty
Patrice Donnelly ’69
Sybil Dosty ’04
Whitney Dosty ’06
Bernadette Dwyer Petravicius ’99
Rich Ellerson ’72
Stephanie Enders Cable ’95
Daniel Ethridge ’76
Erin Fahey ’91,
Tanya Farhat Villarreal ’93
Filiberto Felix ’54
Jose Figueroa ’99
John Fina ’87
Justine Fisher Guidos ’98
Jon Fishman ’61
Jim Flannery ’66,
Sean Michael Flannery ’92
James Fleming ’69
Nick Frost ’99
Frank Galvez
Frank B. Garcia ’75
Scott Gaskins ’97
Michael Geddes ’57
Court Gettel ’92
Tamara Winters Gibbs ’96
Matthew Gjurgevich ’99
John Glaser ’72
John Gleeson
Brenden Griffin ’87
Annette Gutierrez Miller ’87
Tom Hagen ’71
Bread Hassey ’98
Mike Hayes’77
Jeff Heidrick ’82
Gary Heintz ’66
Kelly Higgins Hanson ’90
Dave Hohman ’01
Chris Hopkins ’92
Ray Hornfeck ’81
Jennifer Howell ’93
Lynda Hudman ’69
John Huppenthal ’72
Brian Jackson ’97
Carolyn Jackson ’96
Michael C. James ’86
Mallorey James Romero ’01
Natalie Jeffreys Fortier ’85
Byron Jenson ’88
Jay John ’76
Tom Joseph ’76
Mary Kain ’86
Willie Kane ’81
Christine Keeley Bates ’92
Johnathan Khan ’07
Alesha Kientzler ’88
Elizabeth Lambert Dougherty ’91
Colleen Lanne Cox ’97
Michael Lawrence ’95
Larry Le Kander ’56
Scott Leber ’97
Todd Leber ’00
Gary “Mitch” Leinenbach ’55
Fernando Leon ’57
Joe Leslie ’68
Bryce Livingston ’06
Noelle Lopez ’05
Robert P. Lopez ’68,
George Lord ’61
Coach Ed Lucz
Tristan Maddock-Miller ’87
Kelly March Waynick ’90
Jerry Marshall ’56
Kathy McArdle McQuown ’76
Fr. Leo McCarthy, O.Carm
Adam McCollum ’92
Joan McCormick Powell ’69
Bob McQuown ’69
John McQuown ’61
Fernando Mendoza ’69
Mallory Miller ’02
David Mills ’62
Tairia Mims Flowers ’99
Chris Morrison ’84
James J. Murphy Jr. ’54
Brian Murray ’72,
Frank J. Naughton ’57
Dai Nguyen ’89
Trong Nguyen ’87
Kristofer O’Dowd ’07
Grace O’Neill Lindhorst ’90
Daniel Olea ’02
Dennis Palmer ’75
Ryan Patrick ’94
Bruce Pawloski ’69
John Piet
Brian Prouty ’02
Dana Reed-Kane ’90
Jim Reffkin
Keith Regina ’96
Mollie Reiling Dowd ’84
Tara Robinson Keen ’93
Marcos Rodriguez ’93
Robert Rodriguez ’79
Timothy “Buck” Roggeman ’85
Tim Romano ’91
Pete Romanoski ’62
Joseph Rowley ’83
Coach/ Educator Nancy Roy
Tom Roy ’76
John Saintignon ’83
Peter Sense ’69
Danielle Sidoti Lindsey ’04
Jerry Stitt
Kendra Strohm Sandoval ’02
Ben Stuart ’00
Leonard Sweeney ’66
Fernando Tonella ’97
Perri Sundt Touche
Christopher Trimble ’01
Coach Bill Tripp
Joe Urbanski ’98
Mike Urbanski ’66
Anthony Veliz ’61
Edward J. Vosberg ’79
Kelly Walkbert ’92
George Walls ’70
Wolfgang Weber
Neil Weitman ’90
Coach Pat Welchert ’78
Ben White ’92
Calvin White
John James Wild Jr. ’70
Raymond E. Wild ’72
Gary Wilhelmy ’63

Sports Hall of Fame Team Inductions

In 2017, Salpointe began inducting athletic teams to the Sports Hall of Fame immediately following the win of a State Championship. The following teams have been inducted:


  • 2018-2019


  • 2017-2018
  • 2018-2019
  • 2020-2021
  • 2021-2022
  • 2022-2023
  • 2023-2024


  • 2021-2022

Men’s Basketball

  • 2019-2020

Women’s Basketball

  • 2021-2022
  • 2023-2024

Men’s Cross Country

  • 2020-2021
  • 2021-2022

Women’s Cross Country

  • 2018-2019
  • 2020-2021

Men’s Soccer

  • 2018-2019
  • 2021-2022
  • 2022-2023
  • 2023-2024

Women’s Soccer

  • 2017-2018
  • 2018-2019
  • 2020-2021
  • 2021-2022
  • 2022-2023

Men’s Track

  • 2022-2023
  • 2023-2024

Women’s Track

  • 2021-2022
  • 2022-2023
  • 2023-2024

Women’s Volleyball

  • 2017-2018
  • 2020-2021

Women’s Beach Volleyball

  • 2020-2021
  • 2021-2022
  • 2022-2023
  • 2023-2024