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Receive a dollar-for-dollar credit on your Arizona taxes!

The Arizona School Tuition Tax Credit program is your opportunity to help an underprivileged student experience a life-changing education at Salpointe. Tax credits help break the cycle of poverty and prepare students for success. Best of all, the benefits of a Salpointe education last a lifetime:

  • College Admission: 98% of Lancers attend college.
  • College Scholarships: Each year Salpointe graduates earn over $20M in merit-based college scholarships.
  • Community Leadership: Salpointe’s holistic curriculum and the Carmelite charism of prayer, community and service are educating our students to be thoughtful, intelligent and hard-working future leaders in our community.



People at a table at an event

“You gave me the gift of a Salpointe Catholic education. You gave me confidence and hope for my future. Thank you.”

Gilchrist Gbele, Class of 2020

Individual and Corporate Tax Credits


Individual Tax Credits

Any Arizona taxpayer can re-direct a portion of their income tax burden to support education. These funds are awarded to students with demonstrated financial need or can be designated to a specific student. For tax year 2024, the maximum contribution for singles is $1,459 and the maximum contribution for married couples is $2,910. Please make your contribution through one of the tuition support organizations listed below.

Corporate Tax Credits

S and C-corp companies, insurance carriers and certain LLC’s that owe corporate income tax or insurance premium taxes in Arizona can re-direct an unlimited amount of their tax burden to support education. Corporate tax credit funds are then awarded to students whose families are living at 185% percent of federal poverty level or lower. Please contact Jennifer Harris, Director of Advancement, at 520-547-1952 or for more information.

Make sure to designate Salpointe as your beneficiary when making a tax credit contribution!

CTSO logo

Catholic Tuition Support Organization (CTSO)



Arizona Leadership Foundation




IBE logo

Institute for Better Education




ATC logo

Arizona Tuition Connection




Questions about tax credits? Contact:

Jennifer Harris headshot

Jennifer Harris

Administration, Advancement

Director of Advancement


University of Arizona - BA

University of Phoenix - MBA

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