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Salpointe Tuition Information

A Salpointe education is an investment in your student’s future!

Salpointe Tuition Guide

Salpointe Catholic High School has a New Student Tuition and a Returning Student Tuition. New Student Tuition is for students who will be attending Salpointe Catholic High School for the first time and will include the cost of a Chromebook. Returning Student Tuition is for students who have completed the prior academic year at Salpointe Catholic High School.

  • New Student Tuition for the 2024-2025 academic year is $12,660. Tuition for new students includes the cost of the student’s Chromebook, which will be distributed in August at Orientation
  • Returning Student Tuition for the 2024-2025 academic year is $12,260

Tuition Information for the 2025-2026 academic year:

  • New Student Tuition for the 2025-2026 academic year is $14,200. Tuition for new students includes the cost of the student’s Chromebook, which will be distributed in August at Orientation
  • Returning Student Tuition for the 2025-2026 academic year is $13,800

The Blackbaud Tuition Management program collects tuition on behalf of Salpointe. Annual tuition is billed to your tuition account in mid-June each year. Balances are due on the first of each month, beginning in July, and are considered late after the 10th. A $40 late fee from Blackbaud Tuition Management is charged each month on balances over $250. Salpointe does not have the ability to adjust or waive late fees assessed by Blackbaud Tuition Management.

Registration fees are $300 for freshmen, sophomores and juniors. The registration fee for seniors is $525. The registration fee is paid through the tuition contract in myPointe.

Families are required to purchase their students’ textbooks and uniforms separately. Other fees, such as AP test fees, will be paid by parents through Blackbaud Tuition Management’s shopping cart. Participation in co-curricular and extracurricular activities may also require fees.