The application process for the 2024-2025 school year has closed. If you are interested in receiving admissions information for the 2025-2026 school year, please join our mailing list.
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Salpointe accepts a limited number of transfer students each year. All transfer students must join at the beginning of the school year. We do not accept students mid-year or mid-semester.*
Please note our Policy on the Admission of Students.
- Sophomore and junior transfer applicants must have a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or higher with no D or F grades on their transcripts. Transfer students are accepted based on space and course availability.
- Senior transfers are rare at Salpointe unless they are transferring from another Catholic high school out of the area, or as a result of a hardship.
The application process for the 2024-2025 school year has closed. If you are interested in receiving admissions information for the 2025-2026 school year, please join our mailing list.
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*If you are moving from out of state mid-year with a job transfer, or have other special circumstances, please contact the Admissions Office for further discussion.
Salpointe accepts a limited number of international students each school year. International student applications are reviewed by the school’s Admissions Committee and are accepted based on their academic and English qualifications. All international students must join at the beginning of the school year. We do not accept students mid-year or mid-semester.
International students must demonstrate strong English skills (TOEFL English proficiency exam and Zoom or Google Meet interview are required) as all of the classes at Salpointe are taught in English at an accelerated rate. Our goal is to ensure the success of all international students.
International Students – Frequently Asked Questions
The international students application process has four steps:
Step 1: Apply Online
The first step to attending Salpointe is to complete the online application form. Click on the “Apply Now!” button and follow the instructions on the login page. If you don’t have an account, choose the “Create Account” option. You will create your username and password which will be used throughout the application process.
If you have a current student at Salpointe, please use the myPointe login information that you already have. It is not necessary to create a new account.
Once you are logged in, complete all steps of the online application and click “Submit”. There is a $60 non-refundable application fee that is paid online.
Step 2. Complete All of the Checklist Items
Once the application has been completed and processed, you will need to complete all of the following checklist items. Details for all of the checklist items can be found once you log into the myPointe site. This is the same login information you created for the application.
All Items Must be Translated into English:
- Copy of Passport
- Copy of a bank statement
- Immunization form
- High school transcripts
- Principal or counselor recommendation
- English teacher recommendation
- Math teacher recommendation
- Student and parent interview by Zoom or Google Meet. Interviews will be individually scheduled after we have received the student’s recommendation forms and high school transcripts.
Step 3. TOEFL test
All international applicants are required to take the TOEFL English Proficiency Test. No other English proficiency tests are accepted. Please use the code 2782 for Salpointe to receive the score.
Step 4. Notification of Admission Status
You will be notified of you admission status after all checklist items have been completed.
If the student is accepted, Salpointe will process the I-20 application, if required for an F-1 Student Visa in their home country. It takes approximately two weeks for Salpointe to receive the I-20 application. Once we receive and complete the I-20, it will be express mailed to the student’s family. The I-20 may then be used to obtain the F-1 Student Visa in their home country. Note: the I-20 cannot be requested by our school unless the name and address of the home-stay family are provided to our Admissions Office.